Obama signed 23 executive orders against guns. The real movement is to disarm citizens. They are not stupid. Laws like this do not stop criminals. All they do is...
QUESTION: I attended the Bangkok Conference. I am in awe how can the computer have projected the rising tension in January back in October? ANSWER: The computer has...
QUESTION: Would it be possible for the next president to use an executive order to eliminate this nationalized healthcare? You and I both know the courts are not...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2igv9f2EBs&sns=em There is a major dispute over some tiny uninhabited islands in the South China Sea. One may think this is...
Outside of the basics and physical science, there really is not much formal education does that is worthwhile. Kids get student loans with a huge amount of debt...
France is not alone. Mickelson spoke and made it clear “there are going to be some drastic changes for me because I happen to be in that zone that has been...
A report in China Daily said that Shanghai wants to transform itself into a global commodities trading center. Indeed, the Shanghai Futures Exchange has already...
Last October, David Cameron defeated a bid to grant a referendum on EU membership, despite the largest rebellion against a Tory prime minister over Europe....
A man video taping police while someone is taken to the hospital has resulted in criminal charges being filed against a young man citing it is a criminal violation...
They now say they will have a Congressional investigation over the suicide of Aaron Schwartz. The outrage of how the USA prosecutes crimes and then has the audacity...