Month: June 2013
The Real Conspiracy
June 2, 2013
There are plenty of conspiracies on isolated issues like the NY Bankers who try to control the government merely so (1) they can trade with other people’s...
UncategorizedNew World Order
June 2, 2013
One of the craziest conspiracy theories around is that the FED was specifically created to fund WWI and all subsequent wars. Then it is claimed that FED is owned...
UncategorizedA Normal Market
June 1, 2013
In the normal world of capital flows, bonds decline when stocks rise. The talking heads that claim lower interest rates are bullish for stocks once again try to...
UncategorizedPrimary Dealers – the Truth About Their Iron Grip
June 1, 2013
QUESTION: Martin, On Page A11 of the IBD today (5/29) a statement was made that seems to fit your claims. It is something that having been in the business for...
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