Month: October 2013
JP Morgan Criminal Charges at Last?
October 2, 2013
Finally, the political pressure is building to bring some sort of criminal charge against a New York Bank. The Justice Department has been pursuing criminal charges...
UncategorizedHere is the SOLUTION – Return to Selected Funding – PERMANENTLY
October 1, 2013
It was under Jimmy Carter in 1978 that the structure of government funding and reporting was changed. Previously, each agency had to apply every year for their...
UncategorizedGold – The Problem We Face
October 1, 2013
Gold has tumbled sharply and the bearish decline still appears to be moving in full pace. The nonsense put out about gold as a hedge against inflation and the...
UncategorizedWhat Socialism Destroyed – Gov’t Shutdown
October 1, 2013
The U.S. government began to shut down for the first time in 17 years early Today, after a bitterly divided Congress over Obamacare defunding failed to reach any...
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