The hike in VAT to 19% targeting collectors that will apply to silver coins is a bit convoluted yet, but so far it appears that buyer’s purchasing from German...
Feinstein is simply 80 years old and perhaps has dementia because her idea of outlawing any criticism of the NSA is not merely reminiscent of Russia in the days of...
In Germany, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat have decided to increase the VAT on silver coins and bullion. From January 1st onward, the tax on silver coins in...
Thank you for sending me your electronic mail message. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Because of the volume of e-mail that is...
QUESTION: Martin, I enjoy reading your blog and thank you for sharing all your knowledge. I have a simple question. For someone who is not a trader, who has a net...
Be it Europe or the USA, the drive to eliminate democracy is underway. Politicians are doing their best to prevent the voice of the people to have any impact. This...