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Obama is at it again. He want to target the “rich” which is household income soon to be $200K+ and prevent them from leaving assets to their children as...
The desperate attempt to keep the Euro together is really setting the stage for sending Germany into a Great Economic Depression. Merkel now wants to raise...
COMMENT: Marty, one of the comments on the Mises Institution site says it all. You are never wrong. I have to admit. I was a goldbug and listened to the bullshit as...
Here are transcripts of the WEC since the Movie Producers filmed everything since 2011. They had transcripts made and can search a topic and come up with the...
MISES WEEKENDS with Jeff Deist and the interview of Martin Armstrong on Black Thursday – January 15, 2015. Jeff was the former Chief of Staff of Capitol Hill...
The whole idea of creating the Euro without consolidating the debts was the BRAIN-DEAD idea of academics with ZERO trading experience and lawyers. We really...
Obama has pulled a clever trick. He could not get guns outlawed so he has used the backdoor twice now. First, the Justice Department has been buying up ammunition...
The move in the Swiss was extraordinary because of the massive short-Swiss through loans and their own buying of Euros. The audacity of the IMF to even state they...
Notice that the DAX has held up the best even against the Dow. Why? Capital continues to move within Europe to Germany assuming the Euro will crack and they...