We have had a dramatic increase in traffic so much so the hosting company said we were bringing down their entire system. we are moving the site today to a...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thanks for all the insights as always. Just one thing confusing me – as of October 2015, when the ECM turns down, what happens to the...
Studies have shown that people in the SEC were busy watching porn while making the financial world safe – or to be specific, the bankers safe from the people....
QUESTION: Martin Your writings have brought me from the global warming is a “fact” side back to the undecided. I understand the cycles you are speaking...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your piece on fundamental analysis is fascinating. The more I thought about it the more I saw the light. This is why the gold promoters hate...
Are we facing a complete breakdown of trust when it comes to government? They appear to have allowed 911 to take place knowing well in advance of the attack the...
In Turkey, fights have broken out in Parliament as proposed legislation has been introduced to eliminate all civil liberties. The new police bill provides...
Yes, believe it of not, New South Wales is so desperate for money the police are just tax agents with wheels who can ticket you just because. Police Downunder are...
The sheer number of police style executions is becoming alarming. Criminals shoot criminals like Mafia and Drug dealers more often than citizens in turf wars. But...
The Greek government promises to crack down on taxes and cut civil servants. I really cannot grasp how such morons run governments. How is this going to revitalize...