China’s move to create a yuan based contract for gold was portrayed by the gold promoters cheering this as their savior, but for all the hype, the mere fact...
Ferries carrying Cuban and American passengers will soon be sailing between Miami and Havana, right on time for the turn in the ECM. We are clearly looking at...
It has taken a while but today we saw the return of the sellers in the oil market. TWI and Brent both down around 1.7%, taking TWI to 48.25 last trade. Natural gas...
The problem with gold has been the gold promoters who use sophistry to sell their product, convincing so many people to lose everything they invest. The hate mail...
The CME has closed floor trading, which I contend will add to the crisis in LIQUIDITY. It is true that the argument has been that the floor traders amount to only a...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, Could you please explain whether your Computer model integrates the Carry trade into its Algorithms, and what influence the Carry trade will...
The BBC has reported that the sheer volume of Arctic sea ice increased significantly by about 33% after an unusually cool summer unfolded in 2013. Researchers...
Asian equities did not stand much of a chance from the open as Apple had taken it on the chin upon releasing their results! A 7% decline in after hours trading...
It was about 20 years ago when Wolfgang Schäuble, current German Finance Minister, wrote his paper on the danger in the Eurozone reflecting on European...