Tickets are now on sale for “The Forecaster” at the B&B 12 Theatre in Wylie, TX, a suburb of Dallas. The film will air on Thursday, September 24, at 7:00...
Questions submitted by the Spanish Press Q: You predicted an economic peak by October 1, and you suggest there may be a U.S. government shutdown on that day....
QUESTION: Martin, After many years of reading your work I thank you for improving my knowledge of all kinds. From reading your work I conclude the pi cycle has to...
On Wednesday, NBC News host Chuck Todd said, “This is no longer — she can’t just say this is a partisan witch hunt by the House Republicans. The FBI...
Asia saw some very strong gains on rumors of renewed Chinese intervention with the Nikkei producing its strongest one-day rise since 2008 (1,343 points +7.7%). The...
We will be sending out the gold update to the 2014 Precious Metals Report next week. The update will be exclusively for those who have purchased the 2014 Precious...
COMMENT: You said: “The wealth of a nation is the total productivity of its people. If I have gold and want you to fix my house, I give you the gold for...
Hillary’s dream of becoming the first woman president is evaporating rapidly. She leads Bernie Sander by only 8 point in New Hampshire when she was supposed...