The Dow closed neutral on our indicators for the month-end of October. We have held support below and bumping against resistance. There are only two possible...
QUESTION: Martin; Why in the world anyone would invest in government debt when they all default in the end? GH ANSWER: Honestly, most people are oblivious to the...
Russia has proposed to put Switzerland on a blacklist along with 118 other countries on the provisional list of tax havens. If Russian authorities approve of the...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read this time its different by Rogoff. While it is interesting about sovereign defaults, he clearly does not go back into ancient times...
QUESTION: Hello Martin, Have you ever considered holding a world economic conference at a university for us younger followers at a more affordable cost. I am sure...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, do you think the property market in London has peaked? Thank you DS ANSWER: Yes. This is the high-end. The property market outside of...