Month: January 2016
Attempted Assassination of Nigel Farage
January 3, 2016
The Daily Mirror reported the attempted assassination of Nigel Farage. Someone tampered with his car to ensure the wheels would fall off while driving on the...
Western EuropeA Mile of Pi
January 2, 2016
They printed out pi and rolled it out for one mile to show that there are cycles of repeating sequences within pi and that every number does not appear...
Understanding CyclesWhat are Human Rights? Do They Include Property & Class?
January 2, 2016
The real definition of a human right is a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person. The United Nations defines Human Rights as: Human rights...
Basic ConceptsStar Trek & Its Contribution to Everything
January 2, 2016
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I’m just curious. Will you go see the new Star Wars? Your technology with Socrates does seem light years ahead of everything. I love...
Q&A Technology2017: The Year from Political Hell
January 1, 2016
QUESTION: Greetings Elections were always the same dates, why is it that we’ve only started discussing them in the last week? Regards, JCL ANSWER: It is not...
The Hunt for TaxesSite Developments – Issues & Thank You for Your Support
January 1, 2016
We apologize that the site has gone down for brief periods. We are working on that issue. The site has grown hugely from both an access and data perspective....
Socrates2016: The BIG SHIFT
January 1, 2016
As we close 2015 and begin a new year, the markets generally closed flat to neutral with a warning that as we approach the political year from hell (2017) that this...
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