Month: May 2016
Obama Takes Swipe at Hillary & Goldman Sachs
May 1, 2016
No, I did not attend this year’s correspondents dinner. I’ve been very busy programming. Nevertheless, Obama took a swipe at Trump as expected, but he...
2016 U.S. Presidential ElectionThe First Roman Emperor Not of Latin Origin was From Syria
May 1, 2016
Claudius (Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; b. 10 BC – 54 AD; r. 41-54AD) was the first Roman emperor born outside of Italy. However, he was a member...
Ancient Economies HistoryMetals Update Tomorrow May 2nd
May 1, 2016
We will provide the Video Update for the Metals Tomorrow (for those who took the Metals Report). The computer does a far better job than any individual can possibly...
Gold Silver2016 World Economic Conference Tickets Went on Sale this Weekend
May 1, 2016
Tickets went on sale this weekend Join us at the 2016 World Economic Conference at the Hilton Bonnet Creek in Orlando,...
Upcoming Events World Economic ConferenceThe European Refugee Crisis is Changing the Face of Europe
May 1, 2016
For the first time in Britain, the number one name given to boys upon birth was Muḥammad. This is how Rome died. The affluent typically see birth rates decline...
European Union International NewsSaudi Arabia on the Ropes?
May 1, 2016
There is serious trouble brewing in Saudi Arabia. They have been dumping oil and increasing their output by 3.5%. However, the cash is being kept offshore. Rumors...
International News Middle EastConfused Confidence
May 1, 2016
QUESTION: Hi Marty! I am reading and studying your blogs and Socrates for quite some time and I would really like to thank you for all the insights! Some days I...
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