On the yearly level in Wheat CBT Futures, the last important low was established during 2010 at 4254, which was down 2 years from the high made back during 2008 at...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phKO2T2pMjM Haitian President has come publicly to expose the corruption of the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation. Of the...
We have terrorist attacks in Kashmir against the military and what may prove to be a home-grown terrorist attack using pressure cookers in New York City, similar...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I read your piece published in the German Press Fuldaer Zeitung yesterday how “When increasing money supply causes deflation”....
Sen. Derryn Hinch (Vic-DHJP) was thrown in contempt and imprisoned for standing up against corrupt judges. He was elected to the Senate and made his Maiden Speech...
The next great crisis will have a greater impact than derivatives or failed banks. This is the knife through the heart of Marxist-Keynesian Economics – the...
Police are starting to use Harris Corp’s Stingray. The company has fought to keep its manuals private and an exception to the Freedom of Information Act under...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you for your great work with Socrates and especially for presenting the Indicators for us whom are still outside of the Trader Level....
Luxembourg’ Foreign minister Jean Asselborn has demanded that Hungary must be kicked out of the EU because they constructed a 110-mile-long fence to stop...