The Tom Hanks film, Bridge of Spies, portrays the capture and exchange of Rudolf Ivanovich Abel (1903-1971). He was known as the spy who would not break. You must...
QUESTION: Hello Martin: I was quoting you while speaking to a friend from a similar recent post where you stated that interest rates were at 5,000-year lows. They...
QUESTION: Marty, Any thoughts/comments regarding the impending water shortage in Capetown? As a person who has much historical knowledge, are you aware of a major...
The mood was a little down this afternoon, that Asian equity markets could not produce more enthusiasm than we saw today. With all core markets opening on a...
The Socrates site where the results are posted is on the Amazon Cloud. We had an urgent meeting today to run analysis as for why the system could not hand the...
QUESTION: Marty; Just wow. You called the day of the high and then said the market would make a new low yesterday, a directional change would take it back up and...
QUESTION: Marty; I have been following you since the 1980s. I was there at your WEC in 1987 when you had to hold one every weekend for three weeks in a row the...
COMMENT: The Superbowl forecast is bigger than you think. I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for over 3 years now and your insights cured me of my gold...
QUESTION: You do not believe in wide diversification? ANSWER: No. Wide diversification is only required when the investor does not have a clue about what is going...