Month: May 2018
Singapore Special Edition Asian Report
May 1, 2018
QUESTION: Will the Asian Report be exclusive to those who attend as was the case for Bangkok a couple years ago? It was also on TV back then and I think when you...
World Economic ConferenceMarket Talk- May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
More national holidays today (India, China, Hong Kong, Singapore) which makes volume trades more difficult or even held until volume returns. The Nikkei climbed...
Market TalkCNN Neither the Most Watched nor the Most Trusted News
May 1, 2018
I was on a rather high-level phone call to Asia. The commentary turned to Trump and CNN. Here the opinion from outside the country was that Trump was doing a very...
MediaBernie Proposed Everyone Gets a Job & Free Healthcare
May 1, 2018
You really have to wonder just when will these people stop with the promises of robbing the rich to hand out free everything to everyone else. Bernie Sanders...
Economics PoliticsCURIOSITY that is the key to Everything
May 1, 2018
COMMENT: Sorry, the question being, how could it or could it be possible for, people first-time buyers, and foreign buyers to all happily own houses while...
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