Month: August 2018
CNN Confirmed Money Was Stolen from IMF
August 2, 2018
In the movie The Forecaster, I explained that they got Yeltsin to take money from the IMF loans and then they steered that wire through the Bank of New York. As...
Politics RussiaMarket Talk- August 1, 2018
August 1, 2018
The China/US Trade Talks headline obviously spooked both Shanghai and the Hang Seng indices and we saw nervous selling of stock. Shanghai was hit most closing down...
Market TalkAnother Volcano Erupts in the Pacific
August 1, 2018
We have another volcano erupting in the Pacific and this time the entire island of Vanuatu island is being completely evacuated for a second time as its volcano...
NatureEuropean Banks Lending in USA Rather than Europe?
August 1, 2018
European banks have been lending in the United States quiet aggressively because (1) the economy is doing good so there is a demand for loans contrary to Europe,...
Banking Crisis Central Banks Interest RatesEU Regulation Leads to Wholesale Slaughter of Sheep
August 1, 2018
In Bulgaria, a farmer had one sheep that died unexpectedly and another which grew sick but survived. Both animals returned negative test results for a...
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