Month: February 2019
2019 – The Insane Year for Japan
February 2, 2019
This new year for Japan is going to be a really crazy and chaotic year. There will be nationwide local elections held in mid-April, which Socrates is already...
JapanRevolution – Why it is Always Inevitable?
February 2, 2019
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I just went to see Les Miserables with my wife. I was really moved for it was indeed how history repeats. It just seems we always...
Civil Unrest EconomicsPRIVATE BLOGS – Bonds & the Dow
February 1, 2019
PRIVATE BLOG – Separate Posts Bonds & Dow Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...
Dow Jones Interest RatesProfessor Jordan on Climate Change – the Reality
February 1, 2019
ClimateItaly Falls into Recession
February 1, 2019
QUESTION: It is official. Italy is now in recession. Obviously, the Fed is looking outside its own economy. Your Economic Confidence Model is remarkable. I have...
ECM ItalyHell has Actually Frozen Over
February 1, 2019
There is a town named HELL in Michigan. It has actually frozen over. There were more than 3,600 flight cancellations and more than 14,867 delays. This...
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