QUESTION: So is there any difference between a Robot and a person trading if they just follow the same system on a single market? ANSWER: Any system that is created...
Recent years there has been a shift in how various assets classes are trading. There is emerging a high degree of positive correlation among various financial asset...
Trump wrote on Twitter over the weekend that tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods could rise to 25%. He said that a 25% tariff will soon be assigned to a...
Macrone just signed a law where Italian will no longer be taught in France. The idea that Europe is one big happy family is so far from reality that this is part of...
This year’s World Economic Conference was most interesting. We really had to put our thinking caps on because we have entered the Great Unknown where...
The AE Events Team would like to thank all of the attendees who participated in the Rome WEC! A video of the event will be available in the coming weeks. We...
QUESTION: Do you see this new age of the internet destroying jobs that result in a Great Depression as you have illustrated with the advancement of the combustion...
COMMENT: I found your comment most interesting on curiosity as the driving force being Einstein and the key for everyone to follow no matter what the field. This is...
QUESTION: If I remember my history well, letting in all of these refugees who are Muslim will eventually mean that Europe becomes Muslim or at the very least we...