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Month: May 2019

Market Talk – May 21, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There are reports emerging that China could cut off U.S. supply of rare earth elements, which are essential for use in weapons, cell phones,...

Trump’s National Security Claims for Autos

Toyota has criticized President Donald Trump’s decision to declare some auto sector imports a national security threat. They say it sends a message that...

Trump’s Trade War with China – Just Wrong!

QUESTION: Do you support Trump and his trade war with China? QW ANSWER: No. Trump is living in an old world view of trade. The numbers are not accurate to begin...

Fear of Jeremy Corbyn Becoming Prime Minister in UK is a Threat to the Pound

There is a lot going on in Britain. Many fear that Jeremy Corbyn will now win because Theresa May has made a real mess of BREXIT. Consequently, the Telegraph is...

Market Talk – May 20, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Chinese telecommunications manufacturer Huawei has been banned from the recent updates from Google’s Android system. Currently, Huawei is the...

Game of Thrones Ends with a Water Bottle

Game of Thrones came to an end with an underwhelming finale that left many disappointed after 8 years. Yet, the disappointed fans seem to look for things to...

Failure to Plant Crops

COMMENT: Good day from Chatham, Ontario Canada (50 miles east of Detroit 42.4048° N, 82.1910° W); Interesting your models are warning of the next year’s...

Trading Against the Reversals

COMMENT: So guess what. I’ve always played the gaps when one elects and it’s a decent size and it lines up with the arrays and technicals I’ll get...

Australian Conservatives Win by Thin Margin

Australia’s center-right government won a surprise victory over the left. Voters backed the center-right government in a slowing economy for another three years...

The Winter that Will Not End

This is the winter that does not want to leave. It is still raining and snowing in California, even in May, as reported by the LA Times. We are experiencing a long...