ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There has been hardly any progress regarding the U.S.-Chinese trade deal. On Sunday, Chinese officials and trade negotiators warned the U.S. of...
I just returned from New York City, the armpit of the world since I never saw an apple tree there yet, and I had a very interesting meeting behind the curtain. I...
New findings are out from the New York Federal Reserve that reveal a troubling outlook for millennials who have now reached over US$1 trillion of debt, but the...
QUESTION: Controls v Protectionism If capital controls would be such destructive measure, then China already has in place what one would consider Capital Controls...
PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow for June 2019 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...
Al Gore is still at it. At the expense to Australian taxpayers of $142,000, Gore will lead a three-day climate change lecture in Queensland. Gore will push his...