Month: July 2019
Market Talk – July 1, 2019
July 2, 2019
ASIA / AUSTRALIA: President Trump applauded Prime Minister Abe of Japan saying how excellent the G20 meeting was and mentioning that no mistakes were made. During...
Market TalkOver 37,000 Head of Cattle Die from Global Warming in Montana?
July 2, 2019
COMMENT: Marty, the winter of 2018 has been the coldest ever. We lost so many heads of cattle here in Montana, I have never seen it this bad in my lifetime. These...
ClimateCustodial Risk in the Post MF Global Era
July 2, 2019
QUESTION: Martin: You have occasionally made short-quick comments that have made me loose sleep ! One of your past comments quipped that we equity/bond investors...
CorruptionEuropean Car Manufacturers Heading into a Crisis?
July 2, 2019
The Global Warming conspiracy is going to seriously harm the European economy. The political intolerance for the combustion engine has German engine suppliers in a...
Climate TechnologyWere Traders Forged in the Pits of Old?
July 1, 2019
QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, love your blog, as with all your readers its opened my eyes to new ideas and ways of looking at the world. I’m a recent computer...
Opinion Training ToolsGerman Real Estate – the Peripheral Market Rally
July 1, 2019
QUESTION: During the WEC I came to understand Real Estate will crash. Then when looking at Socrates, it shows real estate indices, however I do not recognise these...
Real EstateSolving the Homeless Problem
July 1, 2019
QUESTION: Hi, Enjoy your blog. Can you explain the cause of homelessness in the US and what should be the cure? Thank you Brian ANSWER: Many of the homeless are not...
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