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Month: October 2019

Who Earns the Money from Government Debt?

QUESTION: Would you please explain exactly what government debt is and who receives the interest payment that governments make on borrowings? I thought that...

Poland Rejects EU Demand for Zero CO2 Emissions

Poland has rejected the climate change demands from Brussels. Piotr Naimski, Poland’s chief strategic energy adviser, said energy security is a higher priority...

Will Hillary Run in 2020?

QUESTION: Do you think Hillary will run in 2020? WK ANSWER: I would say yes. I know that the big Democratic donors are yelling they will not fund Warren. Hillary...

BREXIT Vote Delayed – Democracy Has Fallen

Once upon a time, if you voted against someone like Obama or Tony Blair in Britain, you simply accepted your loss and moved on. Those days are indeed properly for...

Eat the Babies to Stop Climate Change?

This climate change scare tactics can really lead to serious responses from some people. One woman proposes destroying Russia and eliminating all Russians, but that...

Market Talk – October 18, 2019

ASIA: There is some concern over the latest figures of Chinese unemployment, which shows that 10.97 million new jobs were created. This is very close to the...

Would Maggie Thatcher have Been Remain or for Brexit?

COMMENT: You and Maggie could have solved BREXIT in a week! HS REPLY: She would have done precisely that. Of course, they staged a coup against her to take the UK...

Could We Ever Eliminate Fossil Fuels?

QUESTION: Hi, Martin! Let’s get some numbers. Check the car numbers in Canada, assume a yearly mileage 15000km each and IF they all are electric ones assume...

Debt Crisis & What it Means for the Average Person

QUESTION: Dear Sir, In connection with official and real interest rates: For us, the ordinary people, how can we benefit or lose from this situation? As it seems on...

Market Talk – October 17, 2019

ASIA: The US and China seem to have different understandings regarding phase 1 of the trade deal. US President Trump was proud to suggest that China will be...