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Month: February 2020

Climate Change & the Inability of Rational Thought

COMMENT: Marty; I find it really interesting how people try to pretend you are wrong and claim it is warm where they are or because of some fluke one day high in...

Market Talk – February 7, 2020

ASIA: India’s Ministry of External Affairs offered help to evacuate Pakistani students from the epicenter of the deadly coronavirus outbreak in China’s Wuhan...

Impeachment – Democrats & Point of No Return

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I consider myself a “political atheist and have the habit of informing myself by following a wide variety of quality news sources (from...

Impeachment 2.0

I previously warned that the Democrats were considering a second Impeachment. The Democrats cannot defeat Trump in a fair election. They have sought to effectively...

Sweden’s Insane Hunt for Money

COMMENT: Now when everyone except politicians says Sweden is broke government increases the hunt for money. 27 January – Karlskrona municipality is measuring...

Angkor Wat & Its Decline and Fall

QUESTION: Angkor Wat was abandoned and the whole society seems to have vanished. I saw somewhere that this was due to climate change and the drying up of their...

Market Talk – February 6, 2020

ASIA: The coronavirus outbreak in China has continued to affect citizens, and has now killed more than 560 people and infected 28,000. The Chinese government has...

The Dow – Impeachment – Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong Thank you for this education. I’ve had to unlearn almost everything from the MBA I got. They’ll never teach this stuff in...

Let the Political Games Begin – Battle to the Death

Well when our computer warned that the 2020 election was going to be the most contested and violent, we just saw how it will kick-off. The impeachment trial has...

Is the Boom-Bust Cycle Dead?

QUESTION: Do you agree with Bridgewater’s Bob Prince that the Boom-Bust Cycle is over? Have they made an offer to buy you out yet? SH ANSWER: Absolutely no...