Month: June 2020
Market Talk – June 1, 2020
June 1, 2020
ASIA: China’s official manufacturing PMI for May came in at 50.6, according to the country’s National Bureau of Statistics. A private survey released Monday...
Market TalkCan Biden Really Go the Distance?
June 1, 2020
QUESTION: Marty, you previously mentioned you thought Biden had dementia. Do you still think Hillary will make a surprise appearance? ANSWER: Dementia...
PoliticsWikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter – All Social Media is Being Manipulated by the Left
June 1, 2020
The media which everyone knows is now so biased and manipulated, has the audacity to claim that Trump’s new Executive Order threatens free speech. The problem...
PoliticsMacron Wants to Take Car Production from Germany
June 1, 2020
President Emmanuel Macron is waging war against Germany to usurp their car production by first killing it with climate change regulations. Then he announced an €8...
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