Month: July 2020
The Great Reset now Available for Download
July 1, 2020
The Great Reset Report is now available in the store. For our clients, this is available in a download PDF $29.95 because it is very important to understand who...
Products and Services Reports and DVDsMarket Talk – July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020
ASIA: The United States stepped in to stall a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) statement pushed hard by China on this week’s Karachi terror attack. This is...
Market TalkGovernment Can Already Track You Without Apps
July 1, 2020
People have no idea that the government can already track your movement and can determine if you are a protestor or not. A company named Mobilewalla released a...
TechnologyWhy is Romney Supporting Democrats Against his Own Party?
July 1, 2020
Mit Romney has long been suspected of not being exactly above question. He was the only person in the Republicans to vote to Impeach Trump. The former Republican...
PoliticsThe Most Corrupt Election in History
July 1, 2020
The Democrats have taken control of Virginia and already we see this pervasive move to corrupt the election process in the United States by NOT requiring any photo...
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