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Month: February 2021

Germany Training Dogs to Sniff out People with COVID

  Germany is training dogs to sniff out people who have COVID. It seems that Merkel keeps dreaming up more means to restrict the citizens by using the Stasi...

Market Talk – February 10, 2021

ASIA: China’s factory gate prices rose in annual terms in January for the first time in a year, as months of strong manufacturing growth in the world’s...

PRIVATE BLOG –The Dow into the Week of Feb 8th

PRIVATE BLOG –The Dow into the Week of Feb 8th Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Opinion v Fact

COMMENT: Marty, Each day I read reports from so called reputable people expressing what they think might happen given the backdrop today. It is laughable. Most do...

Biden Declares – America is Back – to Defend EU Against Russia

Biden has reversed everything that Trump has done. Even with respect to Russia and NATO. Biden has said the US will be more effective in dealing with Russia and...

Resistance is NOT Futile

  Despite Wikipedia, Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the Marxist philosophy press, despite them all...

Six Republicans Who Voted to Impeach Trump Led by Mitt Romney – Of Course

The Senate wrapped up initial arguments on Tuesday and is set to begin hearing evidence Wednesday in Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. History will remember...

Market Talk – February 9, 2021

ASIA: International experts investigating the origins of Covid-19 have all but dismissed a theory that the virus came from a laboratory in China. Peter Ben Embarek,...

Superbowl & Florida – Thank God!

People have written in to ask how was the Superbowl. In Florida, we are EXTREMELY lucky to have a republican governor DeSantis who has saved the state from the...

Sweden Moves toward COVID Vaccine Passport

COMMENT: Hi Sweden on their way to vaccination passport Denmark is also on its way to introduce the passport too. Ready by summer. Take Care C “trapped in...