Month: March 2021
Trudeau is Altering the Economy of Canada Denying the People Any Right to Vote on His Great Reset
March 1, 2021
Is this leaked info really Trudeau’s crazy COVID plan for 2021? COMMENT: Dear Martin, In response to your blog of today: “Trudeau Moves to Install Guaranteed...
Disease PoliticsIdeas Repeat throughout History
March 1, 2021
COMMENT: Good morning, I am glad to see that you publicly touched on the idea of expiring credits, that in fact are in play. It is an old idea that has been talked...
HistoryClimate Change & the Dollar
March 1, 2021
COMMENT: Marty, at first I was not sure why you were focusing on the climate change issue. I now understand that climate is the main driving force behind this Great...
USD $Trudeau Moves to Install Guaranteed Basic Income in Canada
March 1, 2021
It is very interesting how Trudeau has called anyone who uses the term “Great Reset” is a conspiracy theorist, and he intends to just...
Canada Great ResetCzechoslovakia Returning to Communism?
March 1, 2021
From Monday almost 30,000 police and 5,000 soldiers will be policing Czech Republic “covid” lockdown which is total home imprisonment and respirator...
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