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Month: March 2021

Market Talk – March 12, 2021

ASIA: China denied on Friday it was planning to hit e-commerce giant Alibaba with a record fine of almost $1 billion for allegedly flouting monopoly rules, as...

Welcome to the Wave of Inflation into 2024

We still see that this cycle into 2024 will be one of inflation. Our computer has projected that this inflationary cycle would be one based on shortages. True, that...

Houston Police Chief going Rogue

In Houston, Texas, despite the governor removing the mask ban, the rogue Police Chief Art Acevedo says he will still arrest people for not wearing a mask. This guy...

Anti-Vaccine Health Workers Lose Jobs?

The tyranny is getting really bad. In Australia, anyone in the health profession who takes an anti-vaccine position will be punished and most likely will lose their...

Disney Gone Crazy with Cancel Culture

  Disney is simply out of control. Things that have been around for generations are suddenly harmful. No, under the Cancel Culture that has taken Disney by...

Market Talk – March 11, 2021

ASIA: China’s parliament on Thursday overwhelmingly endorsed a proposal on “improving the electoral system” of Hong Kong, further restricting the...

Can They Put Fake Bidens on to Address the Nation?

A number of people have asked if they will create a double for Biden after his last address being so out of touch. The scenes from “Mission Impossible”...

Another Video from Schwab and his Future Vision for Us – Oh Boy

  Honestly, this bizarre future of masks and social distancing seems to be a clever way to reduce the population. If everyone is terrified of catching a...

The 2020 COVID Crash Appears it was a Manipulation

The Build Back Better slogan was actually all prepared in 2019 BEFORE Covid. This entire movement was set in motion using the virus to stage this event all for...