Month: April 2021
You Cannot Deduct Working from Home as a W2 Employee
April 2, 2021
COMMENT: Well it looks like the coronavirus is going to cause a major problem because everyone will be deducting their home offices. HL ANSWER: You better check...
The Hunt for TaxesCrisis of the 70s Compared to the 20s
April 2, 2021
COMMENT: Hi Marty, Your post today on inflation(when people see it coming) reminds me how things have changed from the 1970s. Then, the inflation we saw came from...
EconomicsFood Crisis of 2021 in Europe
April 1, 2021
We are staring in the face of a serious food crisis in Europe as food prices rise continuously, and with further draconian COVID measures within the EU, they are...
AgricultureCollectibles Going Crazy?
April 1, 2021
This June, Sotheby’s will be auctioning off three of the greatest rarities in the stamp and coin field. The 1933 Double Eagle $20 gold coin, the unique...
CollectiblesSocialist Revolution On Target
April 1, 2021
COMMENT: When I hear Bill Gates state on video, that if other countries had “followed the procedures of Vietnam, New Zealand, and Australia, there would have...
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