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Month: August 2021

The CDC & Vaccine Companies in Bed with Facebook?

Zuckerberg is a very dangerous adolescent who has clearly not grown up. Personally, I would never own a single share of Facebook when its management is just so...

Gates will Lose – The Economy is Collapsing Anyway

COMMENT: So far you gave the impression, that our friends BG / KS would not win 👻 Lately you seem not to be so sure ?? Just on principle , I reject the shot...

Why We Will Really Need COVID Passports

Proof of vaccination or of recovery from the infection is increasingly being demanded, not just for international travel but also within many countries. The rising...

Canada COVID Concentration Camps?

  Trudeau denies that there are COVID internment or concentration camps, but does not directly come out and deny it. He simply says: this story is designed to...

Latest Conspiracy

While Congress has asked the Biden Administration to move the FBI to a new location out of Washington. Their building has been falling apart for more than a decade....

Lockdowns = Inflation

  QUESTION: Why is there a shortage in everything? Bicycles, sold out. Bicycle parts sold out. Cars delivered late, sold out. Laptops, delivery postponed, sold...

Market Talk – August 6, 2021

ASIA: India on Thursday proposed scrapping a controversial law that taxed companies retrospectively and said it will refund disputed amounts, a move that could...

Resistance is Not Futile – Does Our Entire Way of Life Depends on It?

I find it amazing how stupid people can be. Those claiming if everyone just got vaccinated, we would all go back to normal. I know there were Jews in Germany who...

What a Real Doctor Has to Say

There are a lot of doctors who read these posts, and there are doctors I know and can vouch for as being real. This is an email from one such person I can...

The Threat of an Ice Age is Real

Most people have NEVER heard of the Beaufort Gyre, a massive wind-driven current in the Arctic Ocean that actually has far more influence over sea ice than anything...