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Month: August 2021

FDA Approves Gates’ Vaccine After Accepting Funding from Him

The FDC has given full approval to Gates’s Vaccines because it has been under tremendous political pressure to do so. Even CNBC reported that “Federal...

Market Talk – August 23, 2021

ASIA: A group of the most influential American business groups is urging the Biden administration to restart trade talks with China and cut tariffs on Chinese-made...

Take Back Australia & New Zealand?

They are trying to build a movement to take back their countries from excessive governments and police who forgot that they were there to protect the people, not be...

Vaccine Liability

In the United States, the pharmaceutical companies used their clout to be free from liability even if they knowingly caused death in a certain class of patient. The...

DEEP STATE v White House

People care more about the TV show Jeopardy and the qualifications to be a simple TV host than they do about the qualification to be President of the United States....

News from Sydney, Australia & Canada

COMMENT: Marty this a part of their plan right? Divide and conquer. What did this maniac expect Australia to do. Shoot the sick and burn their bodies? Can this get...

Once in a Blue Moon is Here

The old saying, only once in a Blue Moon is here. August 22/23 will be a Blue Moon and perhaps this is the omen for the decline and fall of the Biden...

Conflict in Laws Jacobson violates Human Right to Consent

A lot of people have written in to ask if I would explain my position on the legal outcome of forced vaccines. I will try to be a bit more detailed. I see this as a...

The Social Dilemma & AI   I have gotten a lot of emails regarding AI and what is the difference between Socrates and the AI being deployed...