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Month: October 2021

Market Talk – October 18, 2021

ASIA: China’s economic growth in the third quarter slumped to its slowest pace in a year, as a property slowdown and energy shortages highlighted rising pressure...

Viewing Inflation Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Once “we get the pandemic under control, the global economy comes back, these pressures will mitigate and I believe will go back to normal levels,” Treasury...

The Psychology Behind Consumer Spending and Hedonic Adaptation

Consumer debt in the US reached $14.88 trillion in 2020, according to Experian’s consumer debt study. That is a $3 trillion increase in the past decade, and...

Stagflation is Here

QUESTION: When do we talk about stagflation? F ANSWER: We are already experiencing it. Normally, the standard definition of “stagflation” has been...

Maine & its Anti-First Amendment Effort to Destroy the Constitution

The US District Court Judge Jon Levy denied a motion for a preliminary injunction that argued the mandated vaccines violated the 1964 Civil Rights Act because it...

Off to See the Wizard – Sorry He’s Gone

OMG. We now can confirm the world is about to end! New Zealand has fired its official government Wizard. What has the world come to? New Zealand actually had an...

Facebook Hearings Parody

The usually left-leaning Saturday Night Live mocked the recent Facebook whistleblower testimony. Although it is still left-leaning, the writers must have realized...

Victoria, Australia, Police Speak Out

PRIVATE BLOG – 401K Madness

PRIVATE BLOG – 401K Madness Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...