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Month: February 2022

Will Trudeau Fall?

QUESTION: Marty, you said Socrates projected that 2022 would be a Panic Cycle in politics. You also said that would be global and impact Canada as well. If I am not...

Suicide is now the Second Leading Cause of Death for Ages 10-35

People read stories about how a father kills his family and then commits suicide. They will typically dismiss the event, claiming he was just crazy. The real story...

Market Talk – February 9, 2022

ASIA: A prolonged slowdown in China’s economic growth could hurt some multinational companies and commodity producers for years to come, casting a shadow over the...

Greenpeace to Take Over Environment & Secretary of State for Germany

Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace has been behind Greta Thunberg, and I believe was caught even writing her speeches. She is friends with Al Gore who succeeded in...


Shrinkflation is here to stay now that inflation has reached a 39-year high. It will be impossible for the Fed to tame the monster politicians have unleashed by...

Ottawa Tow Companies Unwilling to Remove Freedom Convoy

The truckers are still going strong in Canada and fighting for ALL of us. Trudeau’s Administration has no empathy and does not understand why anyone would want to...

Gresham & Fiat Currency – Theories Long Since Replaced

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Out of my utmost respect, you do stand-alone where all these analysts are calling for the collapse of debt and equity because of fiat...

The Truckers have Struck a Blow Deep into the Politics of Canada

  Joel Lightbound, a member of Trudeau’s Liberty Party, has come out and rebuked Justin Trudeau and has actually shown himself as a far better leader...

Market Talk – February 8, 2022

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 increased 35.65 points or 0.13% to 27,284.52 Shanghai increased 23.05 points or 0.67%...