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Month: March 2022

Did Harris Set Off the Russian Invasion Telling Ukraine to Join Nato?

  I do not always agree with Tucker, but this time, he is spot on. Comments I have gotten from Europe follow this...

Bayer President: The mRNA Vaccines Are Gene Therapy

President of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, Stefan Olerich, admitted at the World Health Summit in November 2021 that the COVID mRNA vaccines are a form of...

Is War the Ploy for the Great Reset?

There is something very wrong going on here. In diplomacy, you NEVER begin by demonizing your opponent. It is like an argument between two people. You may try to...

PRIVATE BLOG – Coming War Maybe Intentional & Markets

PRIVATE BLOG – Coming War Maybe Intentional & Markets Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

Market Talk – March 4, 2022

ASIA: China is targeting a non-hydro energy storage installed capacity of 30GW by 2025 and grew its battery production output for energy storage by 146% last year,...

Stupidity of Sanctions

Never in all my career have I ever witnessed such stupidity. While the majority are cheering the sanctions imposed on oligarchs, nobody seems to realize that what...

The Markets & the Solution

  The talks between Ukraine and Russia did not agree on a ceasefire but did agree to create safe corridors for civilians to evacuate. Both sides are clearly at...

Mass Psychosis and Cognitive Dissonance

Comment: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I hope you will have time to read the following about the situation in Québec and hopefully post it on your blog for the benefit of...

Study: Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Integrates Into Our DNA

A new Swedish lab study shows that the mRNA vaccine integrates into our DNA at the cellular level – permanently. Study abstract: "Furthermore, a recent study...

Biden: Putin Will Never Gain the Hearts of the Iranian People

As the global economy is sinking rapidly, President Biden’s State of the Union address caused most to fear the incompetent leadership at the helm. The...