ASIA: The UAE has placed a ban on the export and re-export of all varieties of wheat from India for four months. The resolution applies to all varieties of wheat...
PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market – Beware of Emotions Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...
Vladimir Putin is not suffering from sanctions. The West has shot itself in the foot by banning essential Russian imports without an alternative in place. “They...
Fed Chair Jerome Powell was notably frustrated when pressured about the Fed’s role in inflation. During his Q&A session this Wednesday, Powell plainly stated...
Certain schools in New York City do not have the funds for basic supplies. There are children who take the subway to school as the bus will not pick them up if they...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, your forecast for 2022 to be hot and dry has come true. It was 86 years from the Dust Bowl. Do you try to get those in government to listen?...
The Russian EU Ambassador has informed the EU that gas will stop through Nordstream because a turbine that was needed was stuck in Canada because of the sanctions....
Pope Francis has been advocating for peace between Ukraine and Russia. He has condemned Russia’s “brutality” and said he believes Putin miscalculated the...
Russia has created a new alliance that many are calling the “new G8.” Russia was expelled from the original Group of Eight in March 2014, following the...