I feel sorry for you for those who believe the propaganda put out to justify a war that Putin is this madman. Be careful what you believe and wish for. You probably...
Ukraine is doomed unless it removes Zelensky from power. I have warned that this guy whose only qualification is to dance in high heels, is a threat to the entire...
The United States under the Biden Administration appears to have done ABSOLUTELY everything they could to ensure that President Xi Jinping would be delivered a...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, Is it still possible for the People to save the USA and revert it back to its original form, as was indented in the Constitution – ...
The latest book, The Plot to Seize Russia (unedited version), will be handed out at the WEC. This work has been made possible by the declassification of the...
Thirty years later, the world continues to thrive. The climate zealots claimed we had about 10 years left on this Earth. Limbaugh calls out Gore for blaming global...
QUESTION: Martin If we are going to have a war is my money safe in my Canadian banks, or should I have some cash? Regards ANSWER: Canadians should keep some...