Month: February 2023
Market Talk – February 1, 2023
February 1, 2023
ASIA: January’s reading for China’s purchasing managers’ index has confirmed expectations that Asia’s powerhouse is back into growth mode, beating...
Market TalkGallup Poll – Gov’t is Our Greatest Problem
February 1, 2023
Gallup has just confirmed what our computer has been forecasting especially since 2011. The majority of Americans now say that a lack of leadership from President...
UncategorizedFox News – “ominous Great Depression warning”
February 1, 2023
Fox Business is reporting that economic conditions are much worse than you are being told. Unfortunately, this is the conclusion when you have ZERO understanding...
EconomicsAustria & Hungary Refuse to give Weapons to Ukraine
February 1, 2023
The people who are pushing for World War III attack anyone who tells the truth about Ukraine is suddenly a “Putin Supporter” when in fact they are the...
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