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Month: July 2023

The Ungrateful Ukrainians – Screw You – We Will Do What We Want With Your Weapons

  So far, our totally impartial computer continues to point to World War III, and the American Neocons do not care about the country, our people, or anything...

Trudeau – A Modern-Day Caligula?

Nathaniel Pawlowski delivered a powerful speech to the European Parliament, where he called Justin Trudeau a modern-day Caligula. Pawlowski’s father, Artur...

NATO – Escalates Nuclear War

What has come out of this NATO meeting is the West is escalating the war with Russia. They are expanding the “sharing” of nuclear weapons at the request...

Tucker Carlson Kills Mike Pence’s Presidential Dreams         

Some may have seen the viral clip of Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mike Pence. This interview will be remembered as the nail in the coffin for Pence, who could...

Further Evidence of WWIII – DoD Budget

The Department of Defense (DoD) drastically changed its budget plan. The left is constantly complaining about how America spends too much on defense, and the White...

Depleted Uraniun Shells Explode in Ukraine

  The interesting issue concerning radiation detection in Ukraine is that after stating that radiation was detected, the West claims there is none. Russia...

Prigozhin: “I Went Crazy”

Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin has offered an explanation for the attempted coup—“I went crazy.” An article by Proekt says Yevgeny Prigozhin was at St....

The SMELL of Freedom Featuring Joe Biden

@rjaldridge Just Biden being a creepy PDF file. That poor kid had a very strong reaction to this sicko. #Trump #trump2024 #biden #gross #creepy #fyp #nasty ♬...

Possible False Flag – Claim of Radiation Detected in East Ukraine

Other than a report that radiation has been detected, there is no other information out as yet. We cannot rule out that Ukraine is getting desperate and was very...