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Month: May 2024

The Migrant Crisis is How Rome Fell – Its Our turn this time

Merrick Garland, Attorney General, is truly a national disgrace. The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a suit against Oklahoma today over a state law that seeks...

The 2020 Coup – Will they Do It Again in 2024?

$10 How the 2020 Election Was Really Rigged – Will 2024 be a Repeat? This is a special investigation into the truth behind the rigging of the 2020 election...

NY Case is Destroying Our Legal System

This case against Trump in NYC is an absolute joke. This judge himself is committing a felony by interfering in the 2024 election and is violating the civil rights...

Ohio Prohibits Migrants from Voting

The federal government of the United States has been compromised. It is now up to the states to defend our right to free elections and implement laws to prohibit...

US Consumer Sentiment Reaches 6-Month Low

Consumer sentiment is continuing its decline amongst Americans. The University of Michigan’s survey monthly survey revealed sentiment fell to a six-month low...

Ukraine Has Lost – Nobody Ever Expected it to Win

  I appeared on Russia Today over the weekend because it is important to show the Russian people that the West is not all hateful Neocons. However, the...

Correlations Explained

It is crucial to understand correlations as EVERYTHING fluctuates! There is absolutely nothing that remains constant. You MUST understand that correlations...

MIT Abandons DEI Program

We are equal in all ways besides talent. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced that it will end its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)...

Prosecutors Threatened Cohen to Plead Guilty or They Indict his Family

Let me explain something. Threatening your family is standard operating procedure because the Supreme Court has given prosecutors ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY no matter what...

Biden Signed an Executive Order Sweepting New Executive Order

Biden Signed an Executive Order Granting the Entire World the Right to Vote in 2024 if their government is Labour/Left, except for China, Russia, North Korea, Iran,...