Month: October 2024
Iran Attack Israel – All Bets are Off?
October 1, 2024
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, can you give me an update on Iran? Your target for war was October. Here it is, October first, no less. Do you still see the war extending...
Middle EastI Survived
October 1, 2024
Thank you for all the inquiries; I survived. My house is blocked and poured concrete. I have a real sea wall, and all the pavers around the pool are in concrete,...
OpinionBiden to Provide US Hurricane Victims Pennies Compared to Proxy Wars
October 1, 2024
? Biden just said there will be NO ADDITIONAL RESOURCES given to the areas pummeled by Hurricane Helene WTF? There’s practically ZERO federal support to begin...
Corruption WarHurricane Update
October 1, 2024
Hurricane Helene swept through our town extremely unexpectedly, and my area was only notified of the storm 60 hours before landfall. I am grateful to report that...
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