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Month: January 2025

Slovakia v Ukraine and the EU on Energy

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has nearly accepted that his country will be forced to pay an additional €500 million for energy due to Ukraine’s refusal to...

Blinken Interfering Romanian Elections

The American NEOCONS are interfering in elections, as always. Blinken ran off to Romania like Biden in Ukraine in July 2014, all to overturn the election in...

Trump to Withdraw from World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a globalist entity forcefully pushing members into a One World Government under the premise of health. The members of the...

Retail Closures in US Hit Pandemic Levels

Over 6,481 retailers have closed their doors since the beginning of the new year, according to data from Coresight Research in November, but that figure is expected...

Biden Out of Office 40% of Term

Countless Americans saved up their PTO throughout the year to enjoy the holiday season with family. The leader of this nation need not take such precautions. I’ve...

PRIVATE BLOG – Major Sell Signals on C$ and Euro Beware Dollar Haters

PRIVATE BLOG – Major Sell Signals on C$ and Euro Beware Dollar Haters Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

Ignoring the Supreme Court

  Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts came out strong against what has been encroaching upon the very foundation of our tripartite government. Mainly, the...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We hope that our content has helped you to navigate 2024 — the political year from hell. We will keep you informed on what to expect as we...