More and more doctors are coming out against this COVID-19 scam. Trump needs to convene a public hearing and let the other side be heard. Put it on national TV to expose the corruption in journalism. Now we have the very firm who claimed that the drugs recommended by Trump did not work. They have minimal staff which includes a Sci Fi writer and an adult porn star? This is causing a real outrage because Lancet even published this study with no verification.
In Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has lost my support entirely for he is on board with with Bill and Melinda Gates to vaccinate Britain. He even discussed vaccine development and other coronavirus-related work on a private call with Bill Gates who has no expertise in the field and in a court of law would never qualify to be an expert witness. Boris Johnson has become a threat to Britain. He is hosting Global Summit to force Bill Gates’ vaccine upon the entire world. I really have to question if Johnson has been bought by Gates, especially when it was the Imperial College in Britain funded by Gates which advocated the entire world should be locked down which just so coincidentally furthers this Green New Deal. I have NEVER been so disappointed by a head of state as Boris Johnson.