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Are The Democrats Really in a Bear Market?

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2020 Combined House Senate

QUESTION: You say that the Democratic Party is on the decline but it would appear to be the exact opposite. The GOP proved to be traitors when they turned against Trump, and many people I know have said they will never vote Republican again. Also, now that the Democrats are able to rig elections and get away with it this means that future elections will be like communist countries where they get 100% of the vote. The same is true if there is a third party because neither can they win a rigged election.


ANSWER: It may appear that way, but the Democrats are united only in their hatred of Republicans. They are deeply divided on issues even on climate. Nevertheless, Biden day one made it mandatory to wear masks in all federal buildings, and he immediately rejoined the United Nations. The trend is the trend. This is not my opinion. Each high is lower. Just look at the chart as if it were a market. If the Dow kept making lower highs since the Great Depression, you would not be investing in it and you would not call it a bull market.

The Democrats may seem to be in power, but that has dwindled to 50.4%. I fully agree that the Republicans under Mitch McConnel are trying to repudiate everything Trump stood for. He forgets that Trump did not start the anti-establishment movement. The people voted for him because it was a vote against the establishment – not necessarily for Trump as a person.

Republican Party

The Republicans will split and they will lose at least one-third of their support and as much as 70%. By the time we get to 2022, we may see a new 3rd party form and you will even have conservative Democrats abandoning the AOC climate extremists. Following the Paris Accord will cost so many jobs and unemployment will rise, thus even the Democrats will lose ground. So 2022 looks to be chaotic and that seems to be shaping up by our computer forecasting a Panic cycle in politics for 2022.