Bill and Melinda Gates are filing for divorce. The inside scoop is she has not been happy with his direction of changing the world and all the hate mail directed at them. It was really just a question of time. What Bill Gates has set out to force the world to ZERO CO2 and to reduce the population has gradually eaten away at Melinda. Some suggest that she has an inner conscious about humanity which is absent from Bill. This will be a most interesting DIVORCE for it seems to actually fit with our models.
I published this forecast on Gates back on May 8, 2020. I warned back then that this was the peak of his eighth 8.6-year wave which hit April 28th, 2020. Gates’ and Schwab’s attempt to take over the world using scare tactics is a very dangerous proposition. I warned that the “ideal peak in his power may have taken place on April 28th and that is good news for us. If this proves correct, he should be in for a fall in prestige and power going into 2024.”
His divorce is actually coming right on target. It is actually a welcome piece of news that his wife is divorcing him. It pretty much confirms that the peak in his power was indeed April 2020 when he launched this Great Reset. Perhaps all the hatred being poured out against Gates has finally made Melinda see the real person that he is – a very dangerous individual. The peak of his 8.6-year personal cycle also marked 26 years of his marriage.
Hallelujah – the Self-Annoited Health Czar of the World has reached his peak!