Florida just passed an act against Biden’s mandates for vaccines which is unconstitutional. Along party lines, really just the Republicans pushed this through where private businesses would be blocked from imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates unless they allow workers to opt-out for medical reasons, religious beliefs, immunity based on a previous infection, regular testing, or an agreement to wear protective gear.
To think that any Democrat would oppose this when Bill Gates has been forced to admit that the vaccines do not work. There is no difference now for vaccinated can still get COVID and spread it. There is absolutely no basis to discriminate when COVID is not even a major disease. The entire problem is that because this has become political, once a politician imposes draconian measures there will now NEVER admit they were wrong. Those politicians who voted against this measure are unfit for office when now even OSHA has honored the courts and rejected Biden’s plea to refuse to honor the court decisions. ANy politicians who vote for mandates with no exceptions should be voted out of office in disgrace. These people have no respect for human rights or the Constitution.