Your chances of dying from omicron are extremely low. Around 0.1% of people pass away from the seasonal flu each year. I found a well-sourced document that shows your chances of dying for other activities. You’re far more likely to die on your drive to obtain a COVID test than from the actual virus.
The mortality rate for specific activities undertaken in the United States:
- Mountaineering Mortality rate: 0.5988 (/100 participants)
- Hang gliding Mortality rate 0.1786 (/100 participants)
- Parachuting Mortality rate: 0.1754 (/100 participants)
- Boxing Mortality rate: 0.0455 (/100 participants)
- Mountain hiking Mortality rate: 0.0064 (/100 participants)
- Scuba diving Mortality rate: 0.0029 (/100 participants)
- American football Mortality rate: 0.0020 (/100 participants)
- The Risk of Hiking and Mountain Climbing
- Expert mountain climbers: Annual mortality risk of 1 in 167.
- Recreational climbing – Annual mortality risk of 1 in 1,750.
- Mountain hiking – Annual mortality risk of 1 in 15,700.
Annual mortality risk (AMR)
- Grand Prix racing: 1 in 100
- Motorbike racing: 1 in 1,000
- Canoeing: 1 in 10,000
- Soccer & rugby: 1 in 100,000
- Running/jogging: 1 in 1 million
- Swimming: 1 in 1 million
The Risks of Transportation
- Risk of dying in a car accident: 1 in 6,700 (Harvard School of Public Health)
- Fatalities per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled: 1.14
- Fatalities per 100,000 population: 11.01
- Fatalities per 100,000 Licensed Drivers: 16.13
- Motorcycles: Fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled: 21.45
- (National Highway traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2009))
- S. general aviation fatalities: 447; flight hours: 20,900,000 (National Transportation safety board 2010).
- S. general aviation: Fatal accidents per 100,000 Flight Hours 1.27 (National Transportation safety board 2010).
- Airliner (Scheduled and nonscheduled Part 21) fatalities per million flight hours: 4.03
- Commuter Airline (Scheduled Part 135) Fatalities per million flight hours: 10.74
- Commuter plane (Nonscheduled Part 135 – Air taxi on demand) fatalities per million flight hours: 12.24
- General aviation (Private Part 91) fatalities per million flight hours: 22.43
- Dance parties: 1 in 100,000 chance of dying
- Table games: 1 in 100 million chance of dying
- Computer games: 1 in 100 million chance of dying