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China Vows to Reclaim Taiwan

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Xi Jinping celebrated the eve of China Communist Party’s 75th anniversary with words reaffirming is resolution to reunify Taiwan with mainland China. Jinping’s message comes mere days after the United States provided Taiwan with over $567 million in aid and a promise to remain the nation’s leading ally.

“It’s an irreversible trend, a cause of righteousness and the common aspiration of the people. No one can stop the march of history,” he told the thousands in attendance at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, according to state-run news agency Xinhua. Taiwan has operated as a separate government since October 1, 1949, after the end of China’s civil war when the nationalists fled to Taiwan to avoid communist persecution. China has always maintained its One China policy despite Taiwan conducting elections and operating independently.

“Taiwan is China’s sacred territory. Blood is thicker than water, and people on both sides of the strait are connected by blood,” Xi Jinping reiterated. “(We must) resolutely oppose ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist activities.”

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Taiwan’s new president has been deemed a national security threat by the CCP, yet he is emboldened by his powerful allies who have vowed to “protect” Taiwan against China. Not only is America providing half a billion in military funding, but the US military plans to provide “military education and training.” This is not a new revelation as American troops have been training Taiwanese forces since the beginning of the year in what was described as a PERMANENT arrangement. This was the clever way to claim that the US was not stationing troops in Taiwan, but they were there ONLY for training purposes, as was the case in Ukraine. The training regimens were being planned and supervised by the 1st Special Forces Group, an airborne unit, under the provisions of last year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was signed into law in December 2022. As with Ukraine, the West is arming Taiwan well in advance.

The neocons fail to realize that they are stretched thin with proxy wars in the Middle East, Europe, and now Asia. How does the West plan to actively maintain forces on all three fronts simultaneously? Ukraine would have fallen long ago if the west were not propping it up. Israel was designed from its origination as a vassal state. Taiwan would not stand a chance against China given its size and limited resources. The threats from the neocons no longer hold weight as their opponents see they have been weakened and were not able to conquer Russia as planned.