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Poland Itching for a Fight With Russia

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Andrzejczak Rajmund Tomasz Polish General Chief of Staff

Polish General and Chief of Staff Andrzejczak Rajmund Tomasz  clearly seems to relish the thought of waging war against Russia. He has said that if Russian forces cross the border into Lithuania, within the “first minute,” NATO allies will target all of Russia’s strategic assets within a 300-kilometer radius and launch a major assault of hundreds of missiles to destroy Russia. Andrzejczak boldly declared, “We will strike directly at St. Petersburg.” What is absent is anyone even suggesting peace talks. It is all about war.

Andrzejczak has perhaps revealed why Europe has been supporting Ukraine beyond common sense when the Neocon instructed the Kyiv interim government to start this civil war attacking Russia. He actually said:

“Ukraine is buying us a few years. If Russia wins in Ukraine, we’ll have one Russian division in Lviv, one in Brest, and one in Grodno.” 

Poland is currently purchasing 800 missiles with a range of up to 560 miles (900 kilometers). What I find shocking is the level of outright propaganda. While Andrzejczak seems to be hoping for the excuse to destroy Russia for the sins of the Communist era proclaiming this will be “beginning of total confrontation.” He was joined by the Lithuanian Presidential National Security Advisor Kęstutis Budrys who has falsely claimed that Russia coming to the aid of the Russians in the Donbas is “imperialist expansionism.”

Vaiksnoras Raimundas

Andrzejczak was joined by the Commander of the Lithuanian Army Raimundas Vaikšnoras who said that the Baltic states would need to respond immediately, without waiting for NATO’s decision under Article 5 on collective defense. Since they have not actually fought in major wars, I suppose their medals are for just hating Russians.

Poland ECM 1989 2041

In October 2023, there was a referendum with four questions that the voters rejected all four. They were the privatization of state-owned enterprises, an increase in the retirement age, the admission of immigrants under the EU mandatory relocation scheme, and the removal of the barrier with Belarus. The referendum was boycotted by the main opposition parties so the turnout was only 40%. Consequently, the minimum validity threshold of 50% was not reached.

2023 10 26 Poland_s_new_parliament_to_convene_on_November_13_president_English_Section_
The October 26th turning point was precisely the day that President Duda called for a new Polish parliament to convene after the October 15th elections, one to be led by former (unelected) EU President Donald Tusk. It is not a complete Left turn, more of a veering Left, as he needed to form a coalition in order to form a government. It was Tusk who has also been very anti-Russia.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has warned Europe is in a “pre-war era” and Ukraine must not be defeated by Russia for the good of the whole continent. He has also made it clear that war was “no longer a concept from the past“, adding: “It’s real and it started over two years ago.”

Poland looks like this government wants war and the next major turning point coincides with the Global ECM in 2028. Unfortunately, These Western leaders just want war because the EU is crumbling internally. We are looing at the prospect of war start in 2025, which happens to be 86 years from Hitler’s invasion of Poland.

ECM Wave 2020 2028 Pi

Poland Warsaw Stk Ndx M 10 11 24

The Polish share market peaked with the Economic Confidence Model on May 20th intraday. This does not bode well for the future. A year-end closing below 81030 for 2024 will be a war of war and a decline into 2026-2027.