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The Endless Hunt for Taxes

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Progressive Party

QUESTION: You may say you do not advise the Trump Administration, but Trump seems to be adopting everything you have laid out, including that income taxes are a barbaric relic from the past that are no longer necessary. He has even publicly rejected Zelensky. When will you tell the truth that you do advise Trump? You have been the only voice calling out Zelensky for what he is.


Gov Non Defense Spending GDP

ANSWER: Sorry, I have not advised Trump. Yes, I know many people are reading who are close to him. I  have no such official position. The Founding Fathers prohibited income taxes. The Progressive Movement went after income and openly discriminated against people who made more than they did. The Progressive Party was even on the ticket in 1912, the year before the income tax.


Trump has stated that between 1870 and 1913 this was the richest period in American History economically. The income tax is Marxist, and the Founding Fathers constitutionally prohibited it for a good reason. It makes everyone report if they even won $100 at the casino. Everything you do is accountable, and now the Democrats ushered in a requirement that every person having any interest in any company must discover that to the Treasury or be fined $10,000 and imprisoned. They want to know everything, and it will never stop there. Janet Yellen wanted to audit transactions down to $600, and if you have any cash app, they must report what you are doing to the IRS.

Federal Spending as GDP

It does not matter how much the government collects, it will always spend more. The Democrats cannot run for office without promising to bribe people with free gifts. I have been waiting for the free toaster or TV when you vote Democrat. This is why a gold standard cannot work. You cannot have gold as money unless you completely change the political system. This is what Trump is trying to do. The government is growing, and it will continue to consume more and more of people’s wages, which reduces the available spending capacity of the people, which then reduces economic growth.

Civil Work Force 1900 1980 New

When we add all government, including contracted to the government, it grew from 22% to 33%, including state and local. The government is consuming everything. This will only result in the economy’s collapse and a sovereign debt crisis.

Tax Robbery

Taxes are no longer necessary, for when money was actually a coin, the king had to get some back to spend again. Today, the government creates money, and if it did not borrow but just printed what it needed, the national debt would be a fraction of its size. This year alone, we will add $1 trillion in interest to keep rolling a debt nobody intends to pay off. There will NEVER be liberty as long as there is an income tax.