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Democrats’ Lies Have Serious Consequences

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Social Security Reform 1996

COMMENT: Good morning Marty,


As a financial advisor, I have already spoken to two elderly widow clients this week who are petrified that Trump will take away their SS they are counting on and they wanted to know if they can still support themselves if he does. I could not walk them away from the ledge and convince them that he will not be taking away SS. I tried telling him this is the same ploy used for 30 years and the Dem’s had the “Throwing Granny off the cliff” ads and that I was getting calls then about Bush eliminating their benefits. I told them that in fact he’s trying to save SS and reduce the taxation of it. I know there will be more calls to come. I wonder if your son-in-law has talked to any worried clients. The Dem’s lies have consequences.



ANSWER: I know. I was asked to revise SS back in the ’90s to convert it to a wealth fund investing in the country rather than just government bonds that will only fund the corruption. The Democrats refused to vote for it unless they could change the fund managers to people who only voted for the Democrats. I gave up trying to help in Washington. It was a joke. The corruption was so pervasive that it was a giant waste of time. The Dow was 6,000 area back then. The Social Security fund would have been flush with cash by now.

They do not understand that lower earners may not pay income taxes but are not exempt from Social Security. The vast amount of the lower middle class pays more in Social Security than income taxes. Then the government sends them a refund check, and they borrow from the poor and never pay them one penny in interest. The greater risk that they have is that the Democrats are so dividing the country it may not be able to stand united much longer. Then what? That is when Social Security will fail – not Trump.

The press is only pouring gasoline on the fire. They do not give a dam about the country and cannot see what they are doing is destroying their own future. Somehow, the words of Rodney King come to mind – Can’t we all get along?