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Several Volcanoes in Italy Coming Alive

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COMMENT from Italy: Dear Mr Armstrong,

I just read your topic on volcanoes and cooling weather
Please note:

Etna is erupting, slowly
Stromboli had a small eruption last year with earthquake
On 13march on Campi Flegrei, “caldara” where Vesuvio is
Located, had an earthquake of magnitudo 4.1

Thus it seems all italian volcanoes have signs of “life”…:
Etna, Stromboli, Vesuvio, Vulcano


Campi Flegrei: il terremoto del 13 marzo 2025 (Md 4.4) e il punto sul bradisismo


REPLY: Yes, there is an extraordinary number of volcanoes starting to come alive. Campi Flegrei is a serious supervolcano.

We will input all the recent activity and see what the computer comes up with.